Home > Humor
Updated Feb. 10 2021, 9:36 a.m. ET
There have been tons of articles written on how millennial humor is too weird to define, but I would argue that there are some things that are funny and you can't explain why.
Lots of times having to explain why something is funny sucks all the joy out of it.
So, instead of me trying to make sense of why these images are just so darn hilarious, I'm going to let the fine folks in this AskReddit post just share the pictures that made them cry with laughter. I think a lot of them will have the same effect on you.
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"Legs are awful."
This bear wrecked me for a whole day at work and my coworkers lost what little respect they had for me.
- firfetir
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Gotta go fast.
This hedgehog cake
The best part is that a mother brought this cake to a kid's birthday party and they all started crying.
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Shhh, you'll hurt its feelings.
No way! He's Tony the Tiger cat! That's cool!
This tweet is grrrreeeeaaat!
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A timeless classic.
Clifford f--king launches a cat. For some reason this gets me every time.
- Daealis
It gets me every time too.
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All state.
An original post from a few years ago. The title was something along the lines of:
“My family’s first attempt at football after Thanksgiving dinner”
One look at the shoes and you know that these guys ball for sure.
- M3NiK
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There's so many levels to this.
Didn’t see it near the top so forgive me if it’s already been posted but
Tempting fate
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Send in the clowns.
This family photo
Apparently this 8-year-old kid refused to take a family photo unless they were dressed up as a clown. Thankfully they stuck to their guns.
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"Make him regret."
Went to a Thai restaurant where they just added more red chili flakes to the point where there was no semblance of the dish's original flavor. Better to free-base pepper oils in the bathroom between bites.
Be careful what you wish for?
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Robert Downey Jr.'s dog.
I always assumed Robert Downey jr was a dog but damn even his dogs a dog pic.twitter.com/lCgoRYfGpz
— Sean (@WalterPWhitney) February 16, 2017
I'm so glad somebody pointed this out because I wrote a story about it a while ago.
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The little bit of backstory makes this A+.
Modern problems require modern spolutions
If you're going to try and finesse the teacher, the least you could do is check your spelling first.
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Putting furniture together is the worst.
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OK this is a video...but worth it.
I'm that sibling from r/funny
Flick... Heh, flick flick flick.. Hehehe
- bobjbob
Their screaming in the distance makes it all the better.
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It's just plane common sense.
But did he applaud the pilot for the safe landing?
- Holmes2
The woman holding the champagne is so inspired.
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Everybody out! Im about to blow up this bathroom.
That's what he gets for considering other people's feelings.
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"I had to cut down a tree in my yard and now I feel bad."
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Canada's plastic money's perfect for COVID.
The melting point of CAD currency is 140C, you could put it in boiling water to sterilize it.
- soapd1sh
Laundering money's very easy in the great North apparently.
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Mom and dad are doing it on purpose.
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This Spanish Flu portrait.
We tend to dehumanize people in the past. We have blurry pictures or drawings of people who lived very differently than we did and we can't even imagine it.
Kinda heady response, but entirely true.
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Fence finger.
The HOA in my friend’s neighborhood recently threatened her neighbors with a fine if they didn’t hide their trash cans, even though they’ve been in the same spot for over a decade. This is their solution.
HOA's are the worst.
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Mister monopoly strikes again.
Mr. Monopoly makes sure to visit all the most important Capitol hearings.
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What a difference 20 years makes.
Summon strangers on the internet so they can drive you to meet another stranger you met on the internet to have a date at a restaurant you selected from reviews from strangers on the internet
- arn2gm
The future is a wonderful place.
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Instagram boyfriends.
"Meanwhile my wife's like .... did you take a picture of me? You better delete it now!"
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The trash can system.
For a second I thought this was a chain of events and someone’s trash can crisis made the news
The only barometer we really need.
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Jaimaican Lotto Winner not taking any chances.
"I Used an atm in a bank in Jamaica. A security guard in full body armor carrying an automatic rifle opened the door for us and locked the door behind, stood in front of the locked door facing the street, and when we were through, unlocked the door and escorted us to the taxi 10 feet away from the door."
Tired of getting those "hey how've you been?" phone calls? Take a page out of this guy's book.
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Santa, baby.
It took me forever to read the text because I kept stopping to laugh and then had to start over each time. I added that one to my favorites.
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While we're on the subject of dogs.
This f--king dog
How did they get that corgi to sit still while resting on four boxing gloves?
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Don't eat dessert at Buzz Lightyear's house.
Seriously, it's a bad idea, just get ice cream on the way home.
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Microwaved potato and peanut butter, cabbage with nooch, banana
This meal. The sad peeled banana made me laugh so hard I cried.
People kept asking if the original poster of this was OK.
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The ballad of red-eye bike guy.
It's an entire thread worth exploring with some excellent photoshops.
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Makeup cat.
This cat looks like your highschool bully that tries to sell you s---ty lipstick via Facebook.
"Hey hun!!!!! You are soooooooooo 😍 CUTE! What have you been up to? 👅🙌 I stay home with my fambam 👨👩👦👦 while my hubz 💏 is at work! Are you interested in an AMAAAAZIIING opportunity?! 🤳💪👍💰💸🤑❤️❤️❤️"
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Mac burnt in a pot.
The picture of macaroni and cheese, in the shape of a pot, with a burnt spot, with some garnish on top. Pic here!
- Aikrose
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15. Existentialist pupper.
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17. 007's greatest foe.
Bames Nond's having a stronk
The reason why Twitter was invented was for amazing jokes like this.
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18. Gas station bathrooms.
First time I saw this one I was browsing reddit after my family was asleep and I almost woke everyone up from laughing so hard.
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19. The pipes, the pipes are callin'.
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20. Smiling is hard.
This kid attempting to smile gets me every time hahahahahaha.
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21. The grinning dog.
Also, I wanted to add that I’m a groomer and worked in dog day cares and have seen that face multiple times. It’s so dumb I love it lol.
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22. RIKES!
I spat out my water the first time I saw this
I have no idea why the heck this is so funny
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23. This classic.
This picture is glorious. The guy behind him was caught mid-thought transition — it's right between the moment where he's thinking, "Haha that guy barfed" and "Oh my God it's coming right at me."
This is amazing.